Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Lord McCluskey calls for drugs to be legalised

One of Scotland’s most senior former judges has called for the legalisation of heroin and other illicit drugs.

Lord McCluskey said government policy had failed to cut the number of drug deaths or level of drug-related crime.

The former solicitor general for Scotland and High Court judge added that he was appalled by the effect that illegal substances were having on Scotland’s communities.

McCluskey, who defended Sir Paul McCartney against drugs charges in 1973, said he believed that heroin should be given to addicts in controlled medical settings to cut off the flow of money to organised crime. “If people are addicted to heroin, give them heroin. I’m not suggesting you sell it at newsagents, but if you were to offer it to addicts in a medically controlled setting, there would be no criminal market,” he said.

McCluskey said treating drugs as a criminal issue was wrong, and they should be regarded as a health problem...

@'The Times'

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