Tuesday, 10 November 2009

David Bowie - Boys Keep Swinging (The Kenny Everett Video Show)

30-Years On: David Bowie's Lodger Comes In From The Cold
@'The Quietus'


  1. A Rather Stellar Piece Wasn't It? Since Reading ~ I Have Been Dragging What Is Left Of My Bowie Vinyl Out [long story-sniff] And Giving It A Damn Good Burl. And Wine Also. Cheers!!

  2. 2Fifi/
    It was indeed! It actually reminded me that I havem't had the Quietus in my inbox for a cple of weeks! Rectified now. Let's NOT talk about old record collections. Way back in London someone nicked my first collection, about 3.000albums and every important punk single plus all these live tapes and my instrument (amps, synth & gtrs) and all my posters. The Anarchy tour poster for the aborted Apollo gig and lots of massive Clash posters and wld you believe all my photos of me and my family. The photos WERE irreplaceable to say the least!

  3. Wonderfully insightful look at an album I have never been able to love. It did contain some cracking singles though!

  4. 2Stan/
    It was a great read and made me listen to it again, tho I have always liked it. RR Trilogy in mail tomorrow OK!
