Tuesday 17 February 2009


I know that people are finding this blog.
What do you think?
Any feedback is welcome.

Let me know: monastreet(at)gmail(dot)com

If you like what you find spread the word!


  1. bloody brilliant, I hope my blog sends you some traffic,you give me ideas on different ways of doing this keep up the good work

  2. hi mona,

    i like that i never know what i will see on your blog... and that you balance inspired silliness (like thor doin' a thai stick and then hopping on an eagle) with literate bits like the gysin installation, kerouac scrolls, situationsim, etc.

    maybe mix in a couple more snips about about mona here and there?

    all in all, i really enjoy the weirdness you put together.

  3. Boys, boys...if I wasn't old enough to know better I would think that you are flirting!
    As to ideas & inspiration, believe me when I say that I have absolutely no idea where my blog will lead me from day to day either...but as a portal to my rather fuct up brain, I do suspect that you would NOT want to live here.
    Yr blogs inspire me in ways that perhaps you don't know about yet!
    Kep on keeping on,

  4. flirting? we haven't started =:>)

  5. Keep up the great Gram Parsons & Emmylou Harris clips! Great stuff...
    Great blog!

    (oh shit! I just now found the wrecking ball comment!!! I am a huge
    Lanois fan, too! I just put Blackhawk and Every Grain of Sand on a
    Valentine's day mix for my sweetie!) I have an old old web page
    (1995-ish) on Lanois here:


    Here's a clip of me and some friends doing an Uncle Tupelo cover last
    year (I'm singing):


    We also did Sin City, Hickory Wind and a couple other Gram/Byrds
    numbers at that show... Good times!



  6. After digging around your blog a bit deeper, I have to say BRAVO! So
    much good material in there. Your tastes align pretty well with mine.
    I'm going to keep a close I and I on yr blog!

    Thanks for the stimuli!


  7. Thank you my friend/ glad that you have found & enjoyed the blog. I do this really only for myself but if others should dig it well & good.
    An interesting site you have too and enjoyed the clip.
