So there's an overtly political thrust to the mag?
To a certain extent. In the second issue I'm doing a piece on anarchy: the practicalities of it, and how it might be made to work without just fucking everything up forever (laughs). I've been reading some stuff about Sortition, which is basically a bit like the old Athenian government by lot. Which strikes me as a way you could still have a government which would not contradict the central anarchist tenet of no leaders. Yes, you need massive constitutional reform, but on the other hand when circumstances are as desperate as they are at the moment, when our political masters are buying mink coats for their swans on expenses, then what is unthinkable, politically, in this day and age?
To a certain extent. In the second issue I'm doing a piece on anarchy: the practicalities of it, and how it might be made to work without just fucking everything up forever (laughs). I've been reading some stuff about Sortition, which is basically a bit like the old Athenian government by lot. Which strikes me as a way you could still have a government which would not contradict the central anarchist tenet of no leaders. Yes, you need massive constitutional reform, but on the other hand when circumstances are as desperate as they are at the moment, when our political masters are buying mink coats for their swans on expenses, then what is unthinkable, politically, in this day and age?
These are ideas I'm going to be pushing and I suppose there is a political agenda, but it's mainly a humanitarian one...
Alan Moore launches his bi-monthly magazine Dodgem Logic in November, featuring articles and artwork by himself and various other contributors, including Mustard magazine. We spoke to him at his Northampton home.
Remember that Alan Moore knows the score...
Remember that Alan Moore knows the score...
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