Saturday 1 August 2009

Russian fishermen catch squeaking alien and eat it

Village residents from the Rostov region of Russia caught a weird creature two weeks ago after a strong storm in the Sea of Azov. The shark-looking creature was producing strange squeaky sounds. The fishermen originally believed that they had caught an alien and decided to film the monster with the help of a cell phone camera. The footage clearly shows the creatures’ head, body and long tail. The bizarre catch was weighing almost 100 kilograms, the Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.
@ 'Pravda' here.
Video here.
(thanx to 'Daily Dish')


  1. They Will Eat Anything In Rostov, They're NOT Picky.

  2. 2HH/
    I can feel one of yr cannibal posts coming on!

  3. PS/I liked yr debunking of Sam B!
