Wednesday 26 August 2009

Link to 'Exile' at the BBC

Click to enlarge

In case you were wondering, it concerns the banning of 'legal highs' in the UK where I had this to say:
"So they go back to taking drugs that you have deemed illegal and just tell me again, how many people die of alcohol related causes each year?"


  1. 2Yotte/
    Thanx, but I did nowt!
    Expect e/mail soon re address etc for Laswell stuff etc. OK

  2. 2Yotte/
    Was wondering why there was another MASSIVE surge in visitor numbers tho!
    Ever since the HuffPo days I have been averaging 1500 or so visitors a day but y/day when I checked for the first time (and bear in mind I only get a 500 freebie list) there was over 5,000 by 9AM!
