Saturday 1 August 2009


Yesterday, the newly formed Western Caucus convened for a bicameral hearing on proposed cap-and-trade climate legislation.
The witnesses attending included representatives of a variety of polluters, right wing think tanks, and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX).
DICK ARMEY: What I’m suggesting is we have a sort of an eco-evangelical hysteria going on and it leads me to almost wonder if we are becoming a nation of environmental hypochondriacs that are willing to use the power of the state to impose enormous restrictions on the rights and the comforts of, and incomes of individuals who serve essentially a paranoia, a phobia, that has very little fact evidence in fact. Now these are observations that are popular to make because right now its almost taken as an article of faith that this crisis is real. Let me say I take it as an article of faith if the lord God almighty made the heavens and the Earth, and he made them to his satisfaction and it is quite pretentious of we little weaklings here on earth to think that, that we are going to destroy God’s creation. [...]

SEN. ORRIN HATCH: Mr. Armey it’s great to have you here. Great to see you again and we appreciate all you’ve done throughout the years and your work on Capitol Hill. Great job.
@ 'Daily Kos'

Go here.


  1. Destroy the Earth! I dare ya!!

  2. 2Yotte/
    follow the link @ the bottom and read the article at the 'Daily Beast' - fugn hilarious!
