Thursday, 6 August 2009

You Are My Symphonic - Afternoon Birds of Arima

"Last summer, my good friends Richard and Keisha asked me in their casual way to write the notes that would start their lives together. The character of the next three seasons found their way into Afternoon Birds of Arima which was played at their wedding at Santa Rosa Catholic Church in Arima, Trinidad and Tobago on May 16th, 2009. This album also marks the 22 years it took for me to return to my birthplace and to explore a life that I once knew.

The Northeast trade winds that we felt pass through the curtains recaptured those childhood images that became faded and helped paint the lines of the pages that you'll write together."

For Richard And Keisha.

1. Afternoon Birds Of Arima (Opening Credits)
2. Almost Time (Flower Girls)
3. Painted Lines (The Bride)
4. Walk Out With Me (Leaving Santa Rosa)
5. Rainfall In Arima (Closing Credits) - Vocals By Anna Farago

Looking forward to your comments or email me at !

You Are My Symphonic


  1. Thanks for the post and your welcome for the download!

    Many thanks for listening.

  2. You Are My Symphonic has been a well-kept secret around these parts... his new album floored me.

    Great blog!
