I hadn’t done any scribbling for a couple of weeks. So last night I made these. I still think a lot of the drug education whatevers would go with the first idea.
That one came about when I started noticing these two designs (not any others) dumped here and there over the last few months.
The second design is actually what I came up with when I did my Cert IV in Alcohol & Other Drugs oh at least fifteen years ago in the day when HepC treatment was NO fun. Trust me I remember and I was lucky to only have to do the Interferon course for six months.
I had to get my first computer for going to TAFE which was a gawdsend in the end. However there was quite a few steep learning curves and frantic phone calls to my eldest kids back then I'm sure. Anyway there was not a hope in hell of me turning in a poster using photoshop I can assure you. (I still can't use it) So I handed in a sketch of that second design. Lettering would have been done using a lightbox and probably an old Letraset catalogue. I knew the copy was good and I was quite pleased with my HEPCats thang.
Funnily enough tho I knew that I would lose marks for the amateur hour work handed in I didn't expect the lecturer to fawn over the winning work.
That was a film (a very well made film) of shots of trains coming into Frankston Stn and trains leaving Frankston Stn...nice blending of scenes, a bit of slo-mo whatever and then the message (as this was a drug course) KEEP ON THE RIGHT TRACKS!
I mean seriously WTF?
He was marked on how well the film was made but this wasn't a fugn film course and that message?
Strangely enough at the completion of that wee qualification I was actually offered a job at Frankston TAFE lecturing in the AOD Dept.
Sadly my inability to speak in public put paid to that...
Well see my design #1 above