Friday 23 March 2012

Lying Fucker!!!

(Thanx Fritz!)

Cameron on the NHS

"The NHS is vitally important to every family in this country. It certainly is to mine. When your family relies on the NHS all the time – day after day, night after night – you know how precious it is. So for me it's not just a question of saying the NHS is safe in my hands. My family is so often in the hands of the NHS. So I want them to be safe there." - Party conference, October 2006

"Let's be straight about what's happened to our NHS. The nurses and doctors are disillusioned, frustrated, angry and demoralised. I know from personal experience just how brilliant and dedicated the people who work in the NHS are. But they have been terribly, terribly let down. I'm afraid Labour have had their chance to show they can be trusted with the NHS, and they have failed. We are the party of the NHS in Britain today and under my leadership that is how it is going to stay." - Party conference, October 2008

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