Tuesday 26 July 2011

Beck: Youth Camp Attacked In Norway 'Sounds A Little Like The Hitler Youth'


'Who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing.'


  1. When I was a kid I used to attend something called the Woodcraft folk.
    We occassionally had weekends away, attending camps and 'gatherings'.
    Many - mainly those associated with the right and the church (cubs, scouts, etc.) - accused the Woodcraft leaders as Marxists who were conditioning and propagandizing children...
    I must say, I don't remember too much political propaganda, but I did get to smoke my first joint, learned some interesting guitar chords, gained an appreciation of nature, and enjoyed some interesting tentative sexual experiences (the Woodcraft Folk was mixed gender, btw, unlike the church affiliated organisations).
    Being involved in the Woodcraft movement gave me, a working class urbanite, some of the best experiences of my younger life.

    What am I tyrying to say here?

    Fuck Breivik! And fuck all those who 'believe'!

    Save the Children.
    From adults. What else.

  2. Damn it sounds like a good wee club...
    I must admit I never let any of my kids anywhere near those organisations like the cubs etc
    Never heard of the Woodcraft mob tho will have to investigate.
    PS Couldn't agree more w/ yr last line
