Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Tack>>Head (Live April 2011 @ Musikmesse Frankfurt)

(Thanx KLB & Owen!)


  1. Hmmm... not their finest moment.

    I can't fault the musicianship (obviously) but it's not the sort of music I want *MY* Tack>>Head to be playing.

    I'm going to see them in Edinburgh on Wednesday night and I hope they do more original (old school) tracks than the Share>>Head covers.

    Thanks for posting this though!

  2. 2DJP/
    That w/ Mark Stewart too? That will be the more interesting half judgng from this to be sure. Still haven't heard the Share>>Head stuff I'm afraid.
    Plus sorry to disillusion you but they are 'MY' Tack>>Head :)
    Enjoy regardless (green w/ envy!)

  3. Yeah, Mark's due to be there. I had hoped that Gary might turn up, too, but it doesn't sound like he was at the London gig so the outlook is less than favourable.

    I've not heard Share>>Head either (the cost was far too rich for my blood) but having seen the track list, I'm not that bothered.

    Your T>>H, my T>>H... maybe they're just OUR T>>H?!
