Thursday, 7 October 2010

Karam's Story - Confiscating Childhood in the Occupied Territories

Thirteen is the age for a lot of things; it carries a certain significance for every boy that reaches that age with all the promises that life has to offer; it's a time when boys get their first bike, enjoy their favorite video games, make it into the school's football squad, it's a time when boys begin to marvel at and appreciate the mysteries of life pre-adulthood, and for some; it's even a time when they experience their first innocent crush; but if you're a thirteen year old boy in occupied Palestine; you're placed under house arrest by the Israeli authorities.
Thirteen year old Palestinian boy; Karam Khaled Da'nah was sentenced by an Israeli court to five months of mandatory house arrest in his uncle's house –away from his parents and siblings- and a 2,000 shekel bail after a shameful charade that isn't very well masquerading as a court hearing last Tuesday September 28th 2010, in complete disregard for anything even resembling human rights (or even common human decency for that matter); Karam was first arrested on the 20th of September right in front of his school in the old city in southern Hebron, dragged away from his friends and classmates and savagely beaten by Israeli forces before being thrown into the back of their military jeep and driven away; and the charge is... wait for it… lopping stones at (illegal) Israeli settlers.
And here you thought that peer pressure was the biggest source of anxiety for most parents, however; Palestinian parents will always have something else to worry about when it comes to their children; whether it's sudden arrests, deadly assaults, torture, you name it; the list of horrific –and very possible- scenarios that Palestinian families are made to live with day in and day out are endless; indeed parenthood carries a whole different meaning in Palestine.
What's particularly troubling though; is that the Zionists have -over the years- committed so many crimes and gross violations of international laws that I can't believe the rest of the so-called civilized world haven't called them out on it yet, they insist on placing "the only democracy in the Middle East" on a strangely unparalleled, high pedestal as the ultimate paragon of virtue; whereas when it comes to Palestinians it seems; the concept of human rights suddenly blurs, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) becomes a hazy afterthought; is it acceptable only if the victim is a Palestinian kid? Is it acceptable to snatch minors off the streets, torture and browbeat them into submission in Israeli prison chambers? Is all of this acceptable if everyone is practically silent about it?...
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Ahmad Barqawi @ 'Counterpunch'

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