"BP is not feeling the pain they are causing in the Gulf. BP is spending millions on PR. In order to put a bit of public pressure on them, we plan to buy 100 vuvuzelas and hire 100 vuvuzela players off Craigslist to play in front of BP's International Headquarters in London for an entire work day. Ideally, the players will keep coming back every day until they fix the gusher.
1 St James's Square
London, SW1Y 4PD
Budget: $2,000 = $1,000 for the vuvuzela protest ; $1,000 for the Gulf Disaster Fund
Budget is set at $2000 for now, which will be enough to buy 100 vuvuzelas at $6.50 a pop (plus shipping), and leave some left for hiring some people to manage the crowds. Hopefully (and likely) we can find people to play for free (plus they get a free vuvuzela). In which case, we'll use the remaining funds to buy more vuvuzelas and find even more players.
I'm a video producer by trade, so I will definitely be making a video of this event as well."
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