Friday 14 May 2010

Arkell v Pressdram (1971)

More on the Johanna Kaschke libel trial :
"...Check out the links here, here, here about the whole sorry silly tale of how a former Labour Party member who failed to be a Parliamentary candidate defected to Respect then turned to the Communist Part of Great Britain then the Communist Party of Britain then the Labour Party again and finally (for now) joined the Conservative Party - all within a few months. Who then went on to waste tens of thousands of pounds of public money by taking out multiple libel actions and court applications that were doomed to fail. There has probably by now been millions of pages of documents wasted and thousands of hours of court administration officers and officials time used up. An incredible number of different expensive direction hearings, applications and appeals. Imagine how much Royal Court of Justice Masters and Judges are paid per day and how much nonsense they had to read and listen to!..." 
Oh and if you want a really good laugh then google the title of this post!
Hey I get a mention in her blog...


  1. the john gray blog is great thanks for that,as someone who lived around newham for 20years its fascinating, i assume its not The john gray your mate and friend of wardle

  2. 2Dray/
    You know the same thought crossed my mind? Do you know Richard Thomas the ex-Fall manager at all? He knows John and is a FB friend, I will ask him. Am gonna say it isn't but...
    Did you see my wee mention on her blog BTW?
