Saturday, 17 April 2010

WTF??? (yet again)

Meanwhile, federal law enforcement agencies mounted a massive operation across Arizona Thursday targeting van operators allegedly involved in smuggling undocumented migrants from Mexico. Nearly fifty people were arrested, and more than 800 federal agents were involved in the bust, that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is touting as its largest-ever human smuggling case.


  1. Way overdue. Better late than never, I guess. The situation on in the border states with Mexico has been long ridiculously out of control.

    (Can't post using Google Account. I'm being told that I have cookies disabled by Blogger. Untrue. Just commented on another site sans this problem)

    G. Peccary

  2. Greg...Greg/
    You don't think for one second that 800 cops was just a slight over'd be a fan of Joe Arpaio wouldn't you? It must piss you off living in Calif. Have you worked out why I put all these US stories on the blog yet?
    I have to go and lie down...I think in all honestly that you have more than your cookies disabled!
    Sans regards/

  3. Have a lovely nap

