Bob produced Giant album that began production in 1985. Bob was a veteran producer already before we met him. He was in the 80’s what they called a hit maker, but he only did a production if he liked it. He was also a lot of fun to be around though meticulous while working, keeping an eye always on time and how much should be achieved within it. Old school hardcore! Bob came to rehearsals always notepad out. We tried different arrangements, tightening up , changing, trying out the what ifs. Bob was the producer of many bands but the Beat was the one for us. Loved them. I was in the studio everyday (Rolo) and it was a big moment for me watching Bob and John Gallen the engineer at work. John is nearest in the photo. They did by hand what you do with computers now. The drop ins and moving live, huge blocks of backing vocals from one tape recorder to another, doubling snares, all kinds of things. Bob played marimbas, some organ, percussion and backing vocals. I cant tell you how much I enjoyed the experience of recording that album.
So with a heavy heart its Goodby Bob and condolences to Babs Sargeant who is hurting right now xx