Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Ze Otavio: Kim Gordon


Blixa and Erin go boating in Beijing

Shelby Lynne - Then & Now EP (Free download)

Fuck your 'justice' system Indonesia

Frank Zappa with Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive (Live @Amougies Belgium 10/69)

Click to enlarge
'And, oh yes, Frank Zappa sat in with Pink Floyd on another song, and it truly, truly sucked' - Michael Gira

This really is the stuff of fugn nightmares

Industrial Culture Handbook

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Very Ballardian

Are Mongolian Nomads moving into China’s Ghost Cities?

Dennis Hopper: Drugstore Camera

Drugstore Camera Photos

Khusugtun Batzorig - Genghis Khan

Orioles COO John Angelos offers eye-opening perspective on Baltimore protests

Chris McGregor and the Blue Notes - Live @Rondebosch Town Hall Cape Town (June 1964)

NB: Mediafire links are still working

Monday, 27 April 2015

Automat (ft Genesis Breyer P'Orridge) - Mount Tamalpais

Listen to Wikipedia Being Edited


Media, entertainment & arts alliance: Media employers’ social media policies

MEAA is concerned about the application of the social media policies of media employers following the dismissal of an SBS employee for opinions expressed on the social media platform Twitter. These policies are becoming an industrial issue and MEAA has expressed these concerns before.
Increasingly, media employees are being required to use social media platforms to promote their work and those accounts are then being used as a marketing tool benefitting media employers. The policies have begun to infringe on the private lives of media professionals, dictating what they can and can’t say in a private capacity, outside of their work.
MEAA believes that employers must recognise that their employees are entitled to a private life, with their own beliefs and opinions; opinions that should be able to be expressed without heavy-handed retribution by the employer.
Striking a balance between engaging in debate and freedom of expression requires social media policies to be nuanced. What MEAA is finding is that social media policies of employers are inflexible and deny staff the right to have and express a personal opinion

Are we even able to debate the ideas behind ANZAC day?

Anzackery ~ n. 1. nationalistic, laudatory and distorted portrayals of Anzac history with little regard to accuracy or context…4. shameless exploitation of Anzac commemoration and sentiment for commercial, political or authorial gain. 5. fixation on inaccurate or actual Anzac history at the expense of considering Australia's current and future strategic security needs

First Dog On The Moon

Click to enlarge