Tuesday, 20 October 2009

The good news followed by the...

The good news is that following neck surgery Phil Collins can no longer play drums (unless drumsticks "were glued" to his hands! Please someone do that for me.)
The other news is that he plans a new CD that will feature covers of 30 songs from the Motown label in 2010 and "wants the songs to sound exactly like the originals"!
Firstly WHY?
Secondly it won't sound like the originals as you ain't no Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder...I could go on (and on).
I am however prepared to say that you might be a Lionel Ritchie (but not with The Commodores!)

The Taliban's Heroin Ploy

As the U.S. postpones a decision on Afghanistan, Gerald Posner reports on a new secret weapon in the arsenal of the Taliban and Al Qaeda: getting the Army addicted to their cheap heroin.

Forty years ago, the Vietnam War was partly undermined by heroin addiction among U.S. troops. Surely mindful of that, the Taliban and al Qaeda are now using Afghanistan’s bountiful heroin supplies as a tactical weapon. An internal U.S. intelligence report has concluded that the two groups are targeting American troops in an effort to undermine their effectiveness, while raising cash to pay for new recruits and weaponry, a U.S. intelligence official tells The Daily Beast.

It’s a logical tactic. The drug is plentiful, cheap—less than $1 for a day’s supply—and potent. And while Army officials publicly dismiss talk of any surging drug problem, some privately express concern about the possibility of increased drug use among bored and susceptible young soldiers.

@'Daily Beast'

"You reap what you sow"
"...Opium poppies have always been grown on both sides of Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, but the region did not become the world's main exporter of heroin until the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 brought near-anarchy. Production and refining exploded as the Afghan mujahedin, with the connivance of Western intelligence agencies, traded in drugs to finance their war against the Russians, with results that can be seen in the streets of Western cities as well as Peshawar."
(The Independent 2 October 2001)

Burial - Fostercare

In The North EP

To celebrate the label relaunch, Dust Science has a new EP of established and new artists who are based in the label's hometown of Sheffield (UK). The "In The North EP" seeks to re-establish Sheffield's reputation as the touchstone of high quality electronic musical innovation.

A1. The Black Dog - Tesco (Dark House)
A2. Carl Taylor - Walk On By
B1. Grievous Angel - Show Love v1
B2. The Bass Soldier - You Still Live With Your Mum

This release is now available as a free download until 4th of November 2009, then released commerically on the 5th

The Black Dog have long been a favourite round here at 'Exile' Towers and Grevious Angel has been featured before at the blog with his superb Miles Davis mix.

What really happened at Gitmo! (With the help of M16)

"The 25 lines edited out of the court papers contained details of how Mr Mohamed's genitals were sliced with a scalpel and other torture methods so extreme that waterboarding, the controversial technique of simulated drowning, "is very far down the list of things they did," the official said."
@'The Telegraph'

The Obama administration, The Most Transparent Ever, condemns the British court decision to reveal what was done to Mohamed:
Meanwhile, US State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said: "We are not pleased", adding that Washington kept such information confidential "to protect our own citizens".

NSFW pic of a sliced penis

Monday, 19 October 2009

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Refurbishing,resting & recharging...

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Anne Frank: the only existing film images

July 22 1941. The girl next door is getting married. Anne Frank is leaning out of the window of her house in Amsterdam to get a good look at the bride and groom. It is the only time Anne Frank has ever been captured on film. At the time of her wedding, the bride lived on the second floor at Merwedeplein 39. The Frank family lived at number 37, also on the second floor. The Anne Frank House can offer you this film footage thanks to the cooperation of the couple.

Jah Wobble on the PIL reunion

“They did give me a call but nothing was right from the word go,” he tells me. “For me to do it, we’d have to do new things. And I wouldn’t choose a band like that, personally. I had a word with John, he phoned me, and he said at the time, it’s just three shows. I said, look, I dunno. We’d have to do new things and he sorta said, yeah, whatever. And I wasn’t sure, y’know.”

“So I got my people to talk to his people and very early on it was like, no, no, no, no. This is not good. Bad business. Not set up properly. Too rushed , for whatever reason. Not right, yeah?”

@'Expletive Undeleted'


Susan Cadogan - Hurts So Good

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Moderat - Rusty Nails

Absolutely beautiful!
Moderat is a collaboration between
Modeselektor and Apparat and this is from their first album together.