Wednesday, 19 August 2009


New Logos

پ.ن : کپی برداری و توزیع برای عموم آزاد و استفاده از انها به برادران سازمانهای مربوطه توصیه می گردد.
Blogger Gorizsabz has designed new logos for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and NAJA (the police forces). The caption says: “No copyright whatsoever and open for sharing. The use of the logos by the brothers working for both organizations is advised.”
@ 'Tehran Bureau'

Dean: Public option a must for health care reform

Former Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean is arguing that there can be no meaningful overhaul of the health care system without a public option for coverage. [...]

Dean discussed the situation on NBC's "Today" show amid indications the Obama administration is backing away from its insistence on a public option in the face of vocal opposition. Referring to the public health option, the former Vermont governor said, "You can't really do health care reform without it."

@ 'Yahoo'

HA! (You got to educate/agitate & organise...)

"Once again, the most organized event at the convention was the anarchy workshop."
What did they expect?

Protesters want Yoo fired from Berkeley

Anti-war activists protested Monday at the University of California, Berkeley to call for the firing of a law professor who co-wrote legal memos that critics say were used to justify the torture of suspected terrorists. Campus police arrested at least four people who refused to leave the university's law school building. The demonstrators said John Yoo should be dismissed, disbarred and prosecuted for war crimes for his work as a Bush administration attorney from 2001 to 2003, when he helped craft legal theories for waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques.
@ 'HuffPo'

"Can you tell me where the Human Rights class is?"

The TRUTH about Amsterdam

"Most people know that the Fox channel isn't the most objective news source on American TV. But in a pretty recent broadcast Amsterdam is so falsely portrayed as a city of crime, drugs and anarchy, that I had to show the facts."

Check the drug related stats at the end of the clip and then tell me that prohibition works.

Smoking # 30/1

Insound - I think I love you!


I have to say that I am more than impressed by the service from Insound.
I have Richard Hell's 'Destiny Street Repaired' vinyl album on pre order and then I noticed that they also have this t-shirt in their catalogue.
Insound have a policy that they do not take the money out of your account until the order is actually shipped, so I thought I would e/mail to see if it was possible to add this 't' to the order and maybe save a little on postage, which is quite a lot to Australia (tho' it has to be said they are cheaper than I have seen in other places.)
Anyway I received a message back within a couple of hours (if that) from the ever charming Kimberly saying that it had been added and that even if they were posted separately they would only charge postage for one item!
What can I say?
Unbelievable...and do check Insound out as they also offer free mp3's from some of their ever building catalogue.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Congratulations Adele!

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Sly Stone living on welfare?

Funk legend Sly Stone is living on the dole, according to a new film, staying in cheap hotels and campervans. A forthcoming documentary by Willem Alkema alleges that Stone was betrayed by manager Jerry Goldstein, cutting off access to his royalties.
@ 'The Guardian'


No stranger danger to Bob

If you are going to use a former prime minister to highlight cultural and social differences between Australia and the U.S. pick carefully. On Friday night delegates to the annual American - Australian Leadership Dialogue in Melbourne were taken to the MCG for a match; as a bonus, AFL boss Andrew Demetriou organised for them to go out on the ground at half time for a photo. After the match a participant by the name of Bob Hawke was headed for the team bus when a car came by, its young driver calling out "Hawkie, you're a bloody legend." Came the reply "Well if I am such a bloody legend, why don't you give me a lift back to my pub?" Moments later the erstwhile PM rode off into the dark with perfect strangers. As one US participant noted, "That could never happen in America."

James Jeffrey - 'The Australian' 18/08/09

Drawings show Diego Rivera Gallery San Francisco 1998

The Way of All Flesh (Coup de Grave March 1986)

(Click to enlarge)
Via 'Notes From Underground'
Thanx to Trevor B for the heads up!

'Drugstore Cowboy' trailer