Saturday, 15 October 2011

#OccupyMelbourne (2) (15-10-11 City Square)

(Click on photos for full size versions)
On October 15th the world will rise up as one and say, 'We have had enough! We are a new beginning, a global fight on on all fronts that will usher in an era of shared prosperity, respect, mutual aid, and dignity.'
The tents have been erected. There was food, music, dancing and discourse.
 It was getting well past Spaceboy's bedtime.
We shall be back tomorrow...
Interestingly enough there was no noticeable police presence come the end of our time there unlike this morning.
(Photos: TimN)

Occupy Melbourne: some initial thoughts


  1. spaceboy on the front lines!

  2. Fantastic photos my friend, I can see everyone is getting into the spirit! Good to see the young fella learning about life!

  3. like the Spaceboy Fight the Power pic!
