Monday 15 August 2011

Sold Out in America

Another great week for Corporate America!
The economy is flatlining. Global financial markets are in turmoil. Your stock price is down about 15 percent in three weeks. Your customers have lost all confidence in the economy. Your employees, at least the American ones, are cynical and demoralized. Your government is paralyzed.
Want to know who is to blame, Mr. Big Shot Chief Executive? Just look in the mirror because the culprit is staring you in the face.
J’accuse, dude. J’accuse.
You helped create the monsters that are rampaging through the political and economic countryside, wreaking havoc and sucking the lifeblood out of the global economy...
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Steven Pearlstein @'The Washington Post'
The Corporations have their very own political party now with the so-called grassroots Tea Party. The concoction of unlimited funding for anonymous attack ads, passive-aggressive racism, and a smoke screen of social conservative concern is a heady mix indeed that has poisoned otherwise good hard working Americans into a state of fear that convinces them to vote against their own best interests.

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