Friday, 20 May 2011

Then we had to hear what America's 'role' was going to be in the new Middle East. We did not hear if the Arabs wanted them to have a role

Robert Fisk: Lots of rhetoric – but very little help

1 comment:

  1. Robert Fisk probably knows more about the Middle East than the whole of the US does collectively; so perhaps someone in the US should actually enquire what his opinion is rather than assume that if some one does not agree with your quick fix solutions, they are against you; look where that attitude got you. The majority of the world lives in fear of you as you kill and maim citizens all over the globe to maintain your freedom and markets at the cost of everyone else.... the pendulum will sway and then you will reap what you sow. Build schools guys, not bombs and perhaps your successors will understand you better than you have them...
