Saturday, 19 June 2010

As the mosesman said:

its about time all these idiots who repeatedly say that the premiership is the best league in the world and therefore assume that english players are any good have a look at how many non english players play in that league... and its those non english players who have the basic requirements such as touch technique balance vision awareness control skill etc who make the english players clodhoppery look any good....for as long as i can remember the english game has been run by coaches from school age upwards who regard strength and stamina as more of a requirement than anything else.... you cant coach vision, or to know how to balance to put yourself in position to weight a pass or control a ball etc, you can teach a basic level of ball control but thats it.... and thats the answer why english players can run their friggin arses off but cant friggin pass a ball or with the very odd exception - sheringham - read a game and know when to pass, when to attack space, where to pass etc....

ok rant over..... go watch a group of european kids play football in the park and then go watch english kids... youll see the vast gulf between them..... scary