Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Aid agencies helping Haiti

This is an update of an earlier report on Help for Haiti after the 7.0 Earthquake.  The organization list was updated such that new information was placed in alphabetical order.
Haiti's an impoverished nation that is asking for fiscal help in the wake of the terrible destruction from the 7.0 Earthquake, the largest ever in that region of the World. Moreover the nation's being battered with aftershocks.
Power is out everywhere and people are in the dark and need help.  The capital city of Port-Au-Prince has been catastrophically damaged.
Fortunately, legitimate online help efforts are being established. Here are some of them as of this writing:
American Red Cross (Reportedly has contributed $200,000 to Haiti relief.)
AmeriCares Help For Haiti. Goes to their International Disaster Relief Fund.
Chuck Simmins also has this blog - - of coverage of the Haiti Earthquake Disaster and where to donate, including any organizations that may not be listed here.
Doctors without Boarders - not a Haiti Specific page as of this writing.
HaitiArise - HaitiArise has provided education and relief for the past six years. It's a registered Canadian charity and reports that 100 percent of donated funds go directly to Haiti.
Haiti Emergency Relief Fund - by Vanguard Public Foundation in San Francisco. Established for Haiti before the Earthquake.
Mercy Corps - Mercy Corps' website is devoted to the Haiti Earthquake Disaster; they're deploying a team bound for Haiti now.
Partners In Heath - You can use the drop-down menu to specify donations to Haiti.
Yele Haiti - Wyclef Jean's Haiti initiative to assist his native Haiti.
UNICEF - UNICEF has set up a special page for donations for the children of Haiti. In an email, UNICEF's Alissa Pinck reports: "UNICEF’s country office in Haiti and the regional office located in Panama is on the ground and have already deployed emergency teams to assess the situation and determine what the additional emergency needs are for the people of Haiti."

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