Saturday 17 October 2009

What the Fox?

FOX's [Mid-Breakdown] Glenn Beck Cries Thinking About "What Life Used To Be Like" - 10/15/09


  1. Yes, we were more united until Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of the hate mongering demagogues started to spread their disease across the country. It's they who've created an us vs. them mentality and have so drastically divided this country.

  2. 2Rickdog/
    That is for sure! I just think it is quite amazing how many people are looking at these idiots from a non US perspective and just can't believe that they are fooling SO many people! And Beck really is the mastermoron. It is not surprising that the US is held in such high regard around the world now that Bush has gone. Still there is a poetic justice in that the US has fucked up the rest of the world for so long, now you (and of course this is not personal) are fucking up your own country for a change!
