Friday 26 March 2010

(Tip o'the hat to Simon Owens!) 

...and I guess the subtlety of this comment is lost on them!
"Juat a little concerned here, now that we've eliminated ACORN, clearly THE #1 source of America's woes over the last 40 years, what can we do next? I read conservative blogs all day and a few months ago I was clearly given the indication that America was being disassembled brick by brick by ACORN's very existence... So now that America's saved, isn't the fight over? Or do we just need to keep inventing new Ultimate Symbols of Evil to focus the base on and achieve the most important thing for us all, a Republican run everything? Clearly the world didn't figure out the last 8 years we ran things how GREAT a Rep world would be, from the great remodeling work we did for free in Iraq, to the strength of our friendship with such paragons of ethical, humane, and above all AMERICAN ideals as Halliburton, Blackwater, Exxon-Mobil, and the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia?"


  1. Fuck yeah! Gotta love me some Royal Saudis, they's so nice to Americuns.

    Hey, that'd be a good band name "Royal Saudis"!

  2. 2gomonkeygo/
    It wld indeed!
