Dead a cappella
With only their collective voices, The Persuasions can turn almost any musical composition into smooth, groovin' doo-wop or gospel. They also have fun stretching the boundaries at the same time. It wasn't all that surprising with Frankly a cappella - The Persuasions Sing Zappa (their Frank Zappa covers disc) because doo-wop was such a crucial building block in Frank's early constructions. But the Grateful Dead? Those guys were into bluegrass and banjo music back when the Persuasions were first conceptualizing their stylistic blend of street corner harmonics and black-centric doo-wop. Since then, The Persuasions have transcended those root styles to encompass various musical genres, incorporating proper instrumentation when it serves their purpose (as in the gospel-tinged piano work in "Ship Of Fools," below). You like The Dead? You like a cappella? You should like this, even if you never really listen that much to either. (@320)
Here Comes Sunshine (0:28)
Might As Well (3:30)
Lazy River Road (5:34)
Loose Lucy (4:23)
Ripple (3:11)
Brokedown Palace (4:25)
Liberty (5:18)
Sugaree (5:38)
Ship Of Fools (8:20)
He's Gone (6:29)
It Must Have Been The Roses (4:51)
One More Saturday Night (5:34)
Bertha (5:37)
I Bid You Goodnight (2:05)
Black Muddy River (4:14)
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