Saturday 10 May 2014

Neneh Cherry & RocketNumberNine - Live @Boiler Room London

The Evolution of London

The Acid Rescue Squad: Drug Education & Prevention in the 1960's & 70's

Mark Stewart & Jeffrey Lee Pierce (feat. Thurston Moore and Jim Sclavunos) - Shame And Pain

Lydia Loveless - Blind (Ke$ha cover)

Type In Punk

Thursday 8 May 2014

Anti Fascist Interlude

Jeremy Clarkson: 'Wog. Spastic. Queer. Nigger. Dwarf. Cripple. Fatty. Gimp. Paki. Mick. Mong. Poof. Coon. Gyppo...Beverage'

From column 'The worst word in the language' The Sunday Times (2006). Reprinted in 'For Crying Out Loud 3'
(Thanx Gavin!)

Suzanne Moore: Jeremy Clarkson and Ukip are not mavericks, but the bullying face of the establishment

New Music Cities: New York (Narrated by Richard Hell)

Richard Hell on The Velvet Underground


(Click to enlarge)
(Thanx Willard!)

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Swans - To Be Kind (Stream)


Tuesday 6 May 2014

'Turn From Your Punk Ways & Be Baptized...'

Friday 2 May 2014

Iggy Pop, Nick Cave, Thurston Moore & Jim Sclavunos - Nobody's City


Nick Zedd: Wild World Of Lydia Lunch (1983)


Thursday 1 May 2014

Thurston Moore on What Drew Him to New York, Art-Rock, and Forming Sonic Youth

Kathy. Ack. (When Kathy Met Cathy)

Kathy Acker (1947-1997) was an experimental writer whose works include Blood and Guts in High School, Don Quixote: Which Was a Dream, Empire of the Senseless, and In Memoriam to Identity. Steeped in philosophy and literary theory, informed by Acker's life (her mother's suicide, her experiences as a sex worker, etc.), and with an irreverent glee for dismantling and re-imagining the Western canon, Acker's novels, poetry, and essays engage with questions of identity, authorship, politics, sexuality, and violence.
Cathy Guisewite (1950- ) is a cartoonist known for the widely-syndicated and long-running comic strip Cathy. These strips have been collected in dozens of volumes, including Wake Me Up When I'm a Size 5, Revelations from a 45-Pound Purse, and Abs of Steel, Buns of Cinnamon. The titular Cathy is said to be based on Guisewite's own experiences as a single woman; the character's exploits revolve around work, family, romance, and her complicated relationship with food and her body.
(Thanx Madeleine!)

Happy Birthday Willie

'I'm Not A Musician' An Interview With Kim Gordon

Happy May Day

Bristol: Bass Oddity

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Soundtrack +

Monday 28 April 2014

The Rise & Fall of The Clash (Danny Garcia 2012)

'The next wave of revolutionaries?' 
'I saw them as terrorists getting away with murder?'
Hmmm...there is a lot of bumph spoken by grown men who really should know better in this not bad doco, but there is a fair amount of footage that I have never seen before. 
Garcia's new film is about Johnny Thunders
(Thanx Joly!)

Friday 25 April 2014

Cassetteboy VS Tony Blair: 'I say lies'


Come celebrate TOTAL FREEDOM at BUNDYFEST, just across the street from the Cliven Bundy Ranch, in Bunkerville, Nevada! 240 bands, 24 hours a day, for a SOLID ROCKIN' MONTH!!!!
*PENIS ERECTION CONTEST: Erect the largest penis in the open desert, win valuable prize! (tbd)
BACKGROUND: For years, we paid permitting fees to hold Burning Man on the beautiful Playa in Northern Nevada. But now, Cliven Bundy has shown us a NEW WAY! ABSOLUTE FREEDOM! Bundy has declared the entire area surrounding Bundy Ranch as a TOTALLY RULES-FREE ZONE! ANYTHING GOES! WOO-HOO!!!
Why should Burning Man end on September 1st? Swing down to Vegas for a few days for some R&R, a few good buffets, and then HEAD ON UP TO BUNDYFEST! All 50,000+ Burning Man participants are invited to attend -- and as many more as can make the trip from anywhere in the world! 100,000? 250,000? THE SKY IS THE LIMIT AT BUNDYFEST! The desert surrounding Bundy's ranch is LIMITLESS! :)

Monday 21 April 2014

Happy Muslims and Digusting Responses

Saturday 19 April 2014

The real price of stopping the boats

The Cambodian Space Project - The Boat

This video details the working process where iconic Australian singer songwriter Paul Kelly works 'across the waves' with The Cambodian Space Project, to write and record "The Boat" - a song created for The Key of Sea Project - an initiative that brings artists from vastly different backgrounds together to create songs that respond to the asylum seeker debate in Australia.
The Key of Sea is an album which explores a different perspective on the raging political debate on refugees and asylum seekers. Musical collaborations between artists that you know and love, and artists who have brought their incredible music to our country

Syd The Scarecrow (1967)

Tuesday 15 April 2014

The Many Lives of Tom Waits

Unedited audio: VBR ZIP


Death From Above: How American Drone Strikes Are Devastating Yemen

Fuck The Poor?

Imagine the Band On The Run

BIG congrats to The Attackerman and James Ball

Edward Snowden: A Vindication for the Public - The Guardian and Washington Post Win the Pulitzer Prize

I am grateful to the committee for their recognition of the efforts of those involved in the last year's reporting, and join others around the world in congratulating Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, Barton Gellman, Ewen MacAskill, and all of the others at the Guardian and Washington Post on winning the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.
Today's decision is a vindication for everyone who believes that the public has a role in government. We owe it to the efforts of the brave reporters and their colleagues who kept working in the face of extraordinary intimidation, including the forced destruction of journalistic materials, the inappropriate use of terrorism laws, and so many other means of pressure to get them to stop what the world now recognizes was work of vital public importance.
This decision reminds us that what no individual conscience can change, a free press can. My efforts would have been meaningless without the dedication, passion, and skill of these newspapers, and they have my gratitude and respect for their extraordinary service to our society. Their work has given us a better future and a more accountable democracy.

Today's example of how NOT to use social media (NSFW)

Luckily it wasn't Virgin Airlines

Like A Rolling Sex Machine

Sunday 13 April 2014

John Pilger: South Africa - Twenty Years of Apartheid by Another Name

I don’t know how to cover the NBN anymore