Sunday 29 July 2012

♪♫ The Birthday Party - Junkyard (Gotterdamerung VPRO)

Shirking responsibility for the disabled

Swinging Britain

(Thanx David!)

Pussy Riot: will Vladimir Putin regret taking on Russia's cool women punks?

Londoners protest 'corporate' Olympic Games

American Idiot 2

Our Man In London (Think You Could Keep Him?)

American Borat Image

'Why hello there!'

Herman Vanaerschot: Joujouka Some Stones

44 years ago today

(Click to enlarge)
Brian Jones was recording 'Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka' in the village
(Thanx Frank!)

A single groove in a vinyl record magnified 1000 times

(Thanx Helen!)

Saturday 28 July 2012

Happy Birthday Mr Jones

Mass arrests at monthly cycling event in London on Olympic ceremony night

Britain is GREAT again and ALL is well in the world...

Talking of flags...

Meanwhile la revolución continues!!!

(Thanx HerrB!)

Let me know when it is all over...

Anyone know who came first?