Friday 18 May 2012

Does Andrew Sullivan's Obamaphilia Make Sense?

The Food Chain


Neo-Nazis attack gay activists in St. Petersburg

Think Again: Al Qaeda

The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter

Sympathy For The Devil

Hyde Park 1969

♪♫ The Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years From Home



Altmodisch - Watches Fall Asleep (Nothing Is Ever Good Enough)

The History of Europe

You cannot make this up...

With New Privacy Policy, Twitter Commits to Respecting Do Not Track



Damon Albarn - O Spirit, Animate Us/Apple Carts

Donna Summer RIP

Russian Propaganda Fonts


Thursday 17 May 2012

Bronenosets Potyomkin (Battleship Potemkin) (1925)

Director: Sergei M. Eisenstein, Grigori Aleksandrov
Producer: Jacob Bliokh
Production Company: Goskino
Considered one of the most important films in the history of silent pictures, as well as possibly Eisenstein's greatest work, Battleship Potemkin brought Eisenstein's theories of cinema art to the world in a powerful showcase;
his emphasis on montage, his stress of intellectual contact, and his treatment of the mass instead of the individual as the protagonist.
The film tells the story of the mutiny on the Russian ship Prince Potemkin during the 1905 uprising.

Survivors recall horror of night Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales allegedly shot up Afghan village

Read more here:

The Dark Side of the Moon

Final cut of the full-length movie for the classic album. This utilizes the backdrop films the band used during their initial US, UK, and French tours for the album, with additional footage used for "Breathe" and live footage from 1972 added to "Time". The mix of the album for the video contains extended versions of "Speak To Me" and "On the Run".
OK I am sure some of you will like this...
Me? I think this is one of the most over rated albums of all time. No heart or soul to it at all in my opinion and I feel that it benefited immensely from being released at a time when stereo systems were becoming more and more affordable.

Chuck Brown’s musical impact: Deep into Washington, and beyond

Ornette Coleman Who's Crazy soundtrack recording sessions documentary

I didn’t think that Tim Leary was a hero

'...what it boiled down to was that I didn’t think that Tim Leary was a hero. Not a hero to me, anyway. In fact, if I were going to be real precise about what I think, I think Tim Leary was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the psychedelic movement. He made everything difficult for all of us; he wouldn’t listen to any of us who tried to tell him to back off a bit. He was most probably primarily responsible for all the draconian laws we have today on the use of psychedelics and other mind-altering things.'
- Owsley Stanley on Timothy Leary


Did Texas execute an innocent man?



PIL (Live Boiler Room 19/03/12)


John Lydon: 'Suntanned, young, fresh & available' (Studio 11 LA)

...and lying about his age :)))

Accidentally Released - and Incredibly Embarrassing - Documents Show How Goldman et al Engaged in 'Naked Short Selling'

REpost: Welcome to the Go Go (BBC Arena 1986?)

BBC Arena documentary on the Washington Go-Go funk scene featuring Trouble Funk, Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers, Experience Unlimited, Class Band, Redds and the Boys, Slug-Go and various interviews at T.T.E.D. records.
(RIP Chuck Brown)

Chuck Brown RIP

♪♫ Portasound - Messerschmitt

The healing power of music...

Eight-year-old blind-autistic Jacob enjoying some fine acoustic guitar by a musician in downtown Lawrence, Kansas on May 13, 2012.
Tyler ... Thank you so much for letting Jacob feel the music!

Advertising People Are The Peacocks of Social Media

Islamists & Necrophilia: How Western Media Fell For Bogus Islam-Bashing Tale

♪♫ El-P (ft. Nick Diamonds) - Stay Down (Letterman 5-15-12)

An asshat tweets...

...Sometimes I wonder whether my life is scripted. The $, the power, the coordination behind the scenes to stop us. It will all be exposed..

Learning to Set Type (1959)

Iggy Pop (Letterman 1982)

Best youtoob comment ever: 'This is not iggy , whoever is singing has a shirt , iggy does not wear shirts'
Iggy Pop and David Bowie (Dinah Shore Show 1977)

Six Organs of Admittance - Waswasa


An iPhone deconstructed

(Thanx Stan!)

Skinny white models could be bad for business