Saturday 30 April 2011


Robert Fisk: Out of Syria's darkness come tales of terror

There is only one Kate in London


Emmylou Harris – Six White Cadillacs (Letterman 4/27/11)

This song is off of her new album 'Hard Bargain'

The Twilight Singers - On The Corner (Letterman 4/26/11)

lou charbonneau
REUTERS - Makeshift morgues in city Deraa hold 83 corpses, including women and children, killed in army attack -- rights campaigner
Breaking: Army finds Bradley Manning "competent to stand trial."
Contradictions in the Bible

It's Alright

Over 50 political accounts deleted in Facebook purge

Terrorists discover uses for Twitter

The Chaser's Royal Wedding | The Consummation


This England, 29.04.2011

Laurie Penny
Royal Wedding,austerity, unemployment, inner city riots. It's the 1980s again. The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

Inside Syria's torture chambers: 'This regime is brutal but also stupid'

Music Fan Porn: Band Memorabilia That We Wish We Owned

Record label EMI published the results today of a charity auction it held earlier this month to raise money for tsunami relief funds in Japan. There was plenty of interesting material to be had, although it was, of course, all well out of our price range – but if you happened to have a spare $10k sitting around, you could have snapped up signed copies of David Bowie’s full back catalog, while $6,744 would have gotten you Billy Corgan’s handmade “Zero” t-shirt. The news got us thinking about other band paraphernalia we’d love to get our hands on – read on to see our selection, and let us know what you’d like on your mantelpiece.
Super Furry Animals’ blue rave tank
It was clear from the moment they first emerged from Wales in the mid-’90s that Super Furry Animals were a bit… different. Even so, they raised plenty of eyebrows with their chosen method of traveling to festivals around the time their first album was released: a bright blue tank. Apparently they convinced their record company to buy the tank instead of giving them an advance but hadn’t counted on how expensive it would be to run, and eventually had to trade it in for more practical transportation options. Amusingly, they sold it to Don Henley, who’s still driving it around his ranch in California.
 MORE @'Flavorwire'