Friday 2 July 2010

The Plot to Send Justin Bieber to North Korea

(Thanx Luke!)

Speakers reinvented

Deep down I think we all have a little audiophile in us. It's not a bad thing, but quite the contrary, as music is the most beautiful sound in the world... apart from the sound of a male lyrebird in the morning. (more on that later). So with that little audiophile always curious about beautiful objects that make sound, much like the lyrebird, these cardboard speakers grabbed my attention. It turns out that this is a fantastic project by Sounds Like that worked with nine designers and five musicians to reinterpret the Ceramic Speaker. The first ceramic speaker was designed by Joey Roth and was a stunning piece almost floating on a natural birch stand. Joey then gave a set of the speakers to nine of his favorite artists (don't even get me started on the fact that he got David Lynch to collaborate) to modify, reshape, rework and generally do what they please with.

As stated on the website "The collaborators then worked with musicians to produce tracks specifically for their re-imagined speaker systems. During the show, these tracks will be played sequentially through the corresponding set of speakers. Each collaborator’s concept will be on display, both as an object and as a musical composition."
The show opened up at ICFF 2010 and is showing in LA in September.
I was really impressed with the idea, and creativity. Please go and have a look at their site below.

Direct to 'the kitchen of your mom'

Al-Qaida launches English propaganda magazine

Australia agrees deal to reduce new mining tax

The Australian government has reached a deal with mining companies over controversial tax plans.
Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had announced plans for a 40% tax on miners' profits.
But a compromise agreement negotiated by his successor, Julia Gillard, has now reduced the rate to 30% for coal and iron ore miners.
But petroleum and gas operations will still pay a pre-existing 40% tax rate, the government said.
But that will now cover onshore oil and gas projects as well as the offshore operations previously subject to it.
Smaller iron ore and coal companies, with annual profits below A$50m (£28m; $42m), will not be required to pay the new tax.
The plans are still expected to raise billions of dollars for the government, however.
When Mr Rudd announced the tax plans earlier this year, he said he expected to raise A$9bn a year.
The revised plan would raise A$1.5bn less, the government said, but cuts to company tax rates that were to be paid for by the mining tax will still go ahead.
Mining executives welcomed the deal, calling it "a positive outcome".
Mining giants including BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto had initially launched an aggressive lobbying campaign against Mr Rudd's tax plan, warning that it could harm economic growth. 

Trent Reznor Scores Facebook Movie

"Restrepo" vs. "The Hurt Locker"

From the NASA Archive: Astronauts Inspect Their Butt Moulds

The last breakfast


World Cup rumours swirl around Gerrard and Terry


True or not...

I had heard that there was another gagging order in place in the UK concerning a footballer...

But is this why they played SO bad at the World Cup? 
The rumours that a certain footballer had been shagging a 16 year old are wrong. 
(It's allegedly his wife's sister this time around.)
 Someone who had been demoted amongst the ranks then went to the 'guvnor' and asked if the same fate was going to happen again and was allegedly going to spill the beans at a press conference. It split the camp into two and players were locking themselves away from each other in their rooms.
The press know but there has been a a gagging order on the story for the past two weeks and there will be another one put on them for next two weeks while the managerial business is sorted.

Lots of tweets about this but News of the Screws editor has said there is NO gagging order in place...

Teambuilding - The Ghanaian Way

via Pearcesport

emilybell @ twitter: Ghana: (via @Pearcesport) if this was England, two of them would fighting and John Terry would be weeing on the floor

'Satan wept. This is pure unequivocal evil....

...There isn’t a hell hot enough or deep enough for the person who made this.'

Trading Sex for Money, Drugs, Survival: What It's Like to Be a Street Prostitute