Monday, 24 September 2012

Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong rants in Las Vegas, off to rehab

After the show


Romney Defends Tax Rate In '60 Minutes' Interview

Mitt Romney paid an effective tax rate of 14.1 percent in 2011, according to a tax return filed on Friday, a relatively low tax rate resulting from exotic deductions, the special tax treatment for his Bain Capital retirement package and the low tax rate on capital gains. Romney also opted not to deduct millions in charitable contributions from his tax bill in order to maintain a pledge from August that he has paid at least 13 percent in federal income taxes for each of the past 10 years.Romney's income was $13,696,951 in 2011, and he paid $1,935,708 in taxes. Romney's income for the year was more than 263 times larger than the U.S. median household income of $51,914.
Bear in mind that Romney can still reclaim those charitable contributions in an ammended tax return

'Trespassing scum'

HMRC boss Dave Hartnett is the man responsible for cutting dodgy deals with Vodafone, Goldman Sachs and other large corporations that have cost the taxpayer billions in lost revenue. When we discovered that he was making his retirement speech at an elite tax avoidance conference, we couldn't resist popping in. We donned our best Goldman Sachs and Vodafone costumes, bought some flowers and knocked up a fake award. This is what happened.

♪♫ Cat Power - Cherokee

In all honesty what the fuck was that all about?

Megaupload Readies for Comeback, Code 90% Done

With 50 million visitors per day at its peak, Megaupload was one of the largest websites on the Internet.
This quickly changed January this year when the U.S. Government took down the file-hosting service and had several key employees arrested including founder Kim Dotcom.
Abruptly, the focus of Megaupload’s team shifted from serving customers to defending itself in a high-profile criminal prosecution. While the criminal case is moving ahead very slowly, Megaupload’s founder does have some progress to report on another front.
Dotcom previously announced that he planned to bring Megaupload back to life, and new information suggests that this may happen rather quickly. In an update this weekend he tweets that most of the work on the second incarnation of the site is already done.
“Quick update on the new Mega: Code 90% done. Servers on the way. Lawyers, partners and investors are ready,” Dotcom teases.
“Be patient it’s coming,” he adds.
From the brief progress update it’s clear that the site is on schedule for launch later this year. In addition, it’s interesting to note that despite the ongoing criminal case, partners and investors are happy to be involved.
In recent weeks Dotcom has delivered several hints about the new Megaupload, which he says will be bigger and better than the file-hosting service that was taken down.
“We are building a massive global network. All non-US hosters will be able to connect servers & bandwidth,” he explained earlier.
According to Dotcom we can expect a Megaupload with an even greater range of applications than just file-sharing. While developers of file managers are being encouraged to get in touch for early API access, Dotcom is also calling out to those involved in email and fax tools, VOIP and video apps.
It’s clear that Dotcom doesn’t have the slightest urge to throw in the towel.
“They abused the wrong guy. I am going to turn this world upside down. Power to the people. Bye bye Echelon. Hello Freedom,” Dotcom added.
It will be at least a few more weeks before the new Megaupload appears online, but there are exciting times ahead. MEGA exciting.
Ernesto @'TorrentFreak' 

Government Spies Illegally Bugged Dotcom, New Zealand Prime Minister Admits

James Williamson 'busks' on the streets of Paris

James Williamson teaches 'Search and Destroy' to the Rochester MI School of Rock!
Always made me laugh when the musos said the punks couldn't play!

A rare Pearl

Into the night with Harmony Korine and Gaspar Noé

A night in Nashville with native son Harmony Korine and the French filmmaker Gaspar Noé. Directed by Bruce LaBruce.


(pity about the final result)


Make that need!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Let's Get Lost (1988)

Documentary about the turbulent life and career of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker written and directed by Bruce Weber.

I used to go and see Chet Baker live a lot around this time in Am*dam. I think erratic would be the politest description of him then.

Water sports?

Town & Country feature one of the US's 25 'most eligible' bachelors in 1967
Let's just hope that over 50% of the voters piss on Mitt come November 6

Gram Parsons & Emmylou Harris/Fallen Angels - Live Liberty Hall Houston Texas 1973

Emmylou on Gram

The original sleeve and title for what became Grievous Angel
Fallen Angel

On September 19, 1973, the musician and heir to a million-dollar fortune died under the influence of drugs and alcohol near his favourite place - the Joshua Tree National Monument in the Californian desert. As the founder of the Flying Burrito Brothers, a member of the hit-making, legendary Byrds, an important influence on the Rolling Stones and the man who catapulted Emmylou Harris to fame, Gram Parsons made music history in only a few years. The film was made on location by director and musician Gandulf Hennig and American music journalist, musician and biographer Sid Griffin. Friends, contemporaries and devotees of Gram Parsons talk about the importance of his work and the bizarre circumstances of his early death. Rare footage of his performances shows why Gram Parsons has become a legend. Interviewees include Gram's wife Gretchen, his sister and his daughter, Keith Richards, Emmylou Harris, Chris Hillman and "Road Manager" Phil Kaufman.
OK I am biased as 26 years ago I named my first born Ingram after Mr. Parsons but when is he going to get voted into the country music hall of fame?

Pussy Riot's Russian Attorneys at NYU Law School (21/9/12)

PUNKCAST2072 "Pussy Riot and Protest: The Future of Dissent in Putin's Russia and Beyond—A Conversation with Pussy Riot's Russian Attorneys" at NYU School of Law on September 21 2012.
(Thanx Joly!)

Rhythm & Sound reissues seven essential records

After Basic Channel came to an end, Mark Ernestus and Moritz von Oswald reversed their modus operandi and began applying techno strategies to dub under the Rhythm & Sound banner.
Only releasing seven 12″ EPs from 1997 to 2002, the label’s influence continues to ripple across the electronic music world. As press materials remind us, the “vapour trail of melody and a reverberating bass echo” that Rhythm & Sound pioneered is timeless.
Head over to Boomkat now to purchase the series.