Thursday, 7 October 2021


I was given an advance cassette of this back in the day. Sign o' the times indeed

Upcoming On-U Sound releases

Things are wrapping up in the On-U Sound Records studio! The long awaited Horace Andy album will be released in 2022 and is titled "Midnight Rocker". Just as "Rainford" was accompanied by "Heavy Rain", this new Horace Andy album will have a Dub follower as well, most likely named "Sleepy Dub Session". And if you can read between the (blue) lines you might get an idea of what is yet hidden behind the veil 
Also on the line to be released around the same time is Pay It All Back vol.8! I will go into the details about this album later in another topic, but for what I have heard from it so far I am thrilled! But there is more! 
The amazing new African Head Charge album is as good as finished and the new Tack>>Head is well on it's way as too! Peter Gabriel's Real World records will release the also (very) long awaited "Dub No Frontiers". Dub Syndicate ft. Ital Horns is also ready and waiting for a release date. New albums from Jeb Loy Nichols and Creation Rebel are still being worked on and for what I heard of it you won't be disappointed! 
On the next Dub Distraction show (by yours truly) you can hear some of the to-be-released stuff already. That is Friday 29 October from 18:00 CET (17:00 UK time) Also keep on checking out the Monthly ON.U Sound Sunday Roast from David Asher who's shows always has sneak previews, unreleased rarities, odd mixes and more! 

Well I think that was the first time I ever visited Pitchfork

Why no green when I needed it?

Monday, 4 October 2021

the ghost recedes

Well that went somewhere I wasn't expecting

...a coded message you say?

Keef's teef giving me greef

Clet Abraham: Street Sign Art

Road signs were designed for fast driving, wouldn't it be safer to slow down? 

New abum coming from Mark Stewart

...and buried at the foot of the page is this: Industrial music pioneer and media savant Mark Stewart (Pop Group, Mark Stewart & Maffia) has teamed up with techno-industrial-political band Consolidated (feat. Mark Pistel of Meat Beat Manifesto and Adam Sherburne of Until December) on this single. This track is part of eMERGENCY heARTS lead up to the new album from Mark Stewart 'VS/Verses' (Oct 2021).


Capitol 1212 ft. Earl 16 - Love Will Tear Us Apart (Full Vocal Dub)

Thanks to Adam for the heads up

RAR: A Kevin Richard Martin Showcase




Richard Hell (Slowly but Surely)