Saturday 13 May 2017

Friday 12 May 2017

Cary Grant: how 100 acid trips in Tinseltown 'changed my life'


Hiroshima Mon Amour: Paul Thomsen Kirk Of Akatombo Interviewed

Around The World in 80 Ways Mix (Part 1)

A journey around the world part 1: Outward Bound (Australia to North Africa) 
All tracks feature Bill Laswell either producing, playing or remixing
1 Byrralku Dhangudha (Great Southern Land) by Icehouse
2 The Hunted (Bill Laswell Remix) by Kodō
3 Okinawa Song (Chin Nuku Juushii) by Ryuichi Sakamoto
4 Soma by Hu Vibrational
5 P' u Sal by Samulnori
6 Love by Sola & Wu Man
7 Tenzin Travel by Somma
8 Ahoura & Ahrtman by Samsara Sound System
9 Whirling by Omar Faruk Tekbilek
10 Yamim Shel Kochavim (Seas Of Stars) by Yemen Blues
11 Amorphous by Bill Laswell
12 Taqasim on Violin by Simon Shaheen
13 Job by Naftule's Dream
14 Salam by Gigi
15 Afrodisco Beat 2013 by Tony Allen, M1 & Baloji
16 Julajekereh by Mandinka & Fulani Music of Gambia
17 Duunya by Touré Kunda
18 Pitya Pitya by Manu Dibango
19 Waadi (Just My Luck) by Fadela & Sahrawi
20 Moussa Berkiyo Koubaliy Beriah by Maleem Mahmoud Ghania & Pharoah Sanders
21 Al Mouktab by Azzddine
22 Ya Sherel Beli by Maghrebika

Part 2

Thursday 11 May 2017


Vale Mark Colvin

Mark Colvin remembered as 'a bit of a genius' by friends and colleagues

Mark Colvin, the man who watched the world for Australia

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Behind Comey’s firing: An enraged Trump, fuming about Russia

The Nightmare Scenario: Trump Fires Comey, the One Man Who Would Stand Up to Him

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Yours for a $100 million!


In search of Trough Man, an icon of Sydney's 1980s gay scene


‘Drop dead gorgeous’ teen girl shows up for prom in coffin

Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance