Wednesday, 1 February 2017

The Passion of Christ considered as an uphill bicycle race

Jésus démarra à toute allure.
En ce temps-là, l’usage était, selon le bon rédacteur sportif saint Mathieu, de flageller au départ les sprinters cyclistes, comme font nos cochers à leurs hippomoteurs … Donc, Jésus, très en forme, démarra, mais l’accident de pneu arriva tout de suite. Un semis d’épines cribla tout le pourtour de sa roue avant.

[Jesus got away to a good start.
In those days, according to the excellent sports commentator St Mathew, it was customary to flagellate the sprinters at the start the way a coachman whips his horses … Jesus, then, got off in good form, but he had a flat right away. A bed of thorns punctured the whole circumference of his front tyre.]
Alfred Jarry


The Pop Group (Wreckthismess Mix 1201)

Mark Stewart vs Kenneth Anger vs Richard Hell, The Pop Group, Mark Stewart & Ari Up, Le Groupe Pop, The Pop Group vs. The Last Poets and more

How to Build an Autocracy

A Clarifying Moment in American History

John Wetton R.I.P.

What sort of government is too cowardly to stand up to naked fascism? Ours

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Between the lines...

Big Boy!

Pia Guerra


Steve Bannon Is Making Sure There’s No White House Paper Trail, Says Intel Source

Situational Assessment 2017: Trump Edition
