Thursday, 6 October 2016

From lock-out laws to stripping citizenship – we must oppose increasing state control

The Quietus Hour: John Doran with Simon Reynolds

Thurston Moore Talks Berlin-NYC Connection With Schneider TM

One Sentence Exhibition

A1 discharged2 Broadmoor3 patient4 compiles5 Notes6 Towards7 a8 Mental9 Breakdown,10 recalling11 his12 wife’s murder, his trial and exoneration13

What Will You Say?

Children eh?

More savage than Caravaggio: the woman who took revenge in oil

Transference. Much?

A History of Donald Trump's Bromance With Vladimir Putin

Rod Temperton R.I.P.

Oren Ambarchi Interview

Melbourne Banksy exhibition: Subversion from within as artist Adnate swipes at show

No's Knife

No’s Knife, Old Vic, London review

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Disco Sausage - a film about Johnny Dowd

The GPO Babysitting Club

Sign o'the day (Poland)
