Thursday, 25 August 2016

Roger Dean Postage Stamps

Cath Carroll - Moves Like You

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Fish People

Snowden: Leak Of NSA Hacking Tools Are Russia’s ‘Warning’ To The US Government

J.G. Ballard on The End of The World

Everybody talks about the end of the world, but we've actually asked the big question: What will it be like?

Ballard replied...

I dream of: Dying in a car crash with Madonna. Having sex with Hillary Clinton. Appearing in Zapruder frame 313 with Jackie Kennedy. Being transformed into a TV channel. Detonating a nuclear weapon over Disneyland. Having all the whores in Moscow call me on their mobile phones. Seeing time make a new beginning. Persuading Neil Armstrong to return to Earth. Meeting my younger selves on the virtual-reality highways of tomorrow. Being buried under the main runway at London's Heathrow Airport

Apocalypse How? (Spin November 1995)
Illustration: Winston Smith
Thanks David

JK Flesh - Live @Supernormal 2016


Ad Break: The World's Biggest Asshole

...even an asshole can save a life.

Giacomo Carmagnola


Leonard Cohen: Steer Your Way

Steer your way through the ruins of the Altar and the Mall
Steer your way through the fables of Creation and the Fall 
Steer your way past the Palaces that rise above the rot 
Year by year
Month by month  
Day by day 
Thought by thought

Steer your heart past the Truth you believed in yesterday 
Such as Fundamental Goodness and the Wisdom of the Way
Steer your heart, precious heart, past the women whom you bought  
Year by year 
Month by month 
 Day by day 
Thought by thought

Steer your path through the pain that is far more real than you 
That has smashed the Cosmic Model, that has blinded every View  
And please don’t make me go there, though there be a God or not 
Year by year 
Month by month  
Day by day  
Thought by thought

They whisper still, the injured stones, the blunted mountains weep 
As he died to make men holy, let us die to make things cheap 
And say the Mea Culpa, which you’ve gradually forgot  
Year by year 
 Month by month  
Day by day  
Thought by thought

Steer your way, O my heart, though I have no right to ask  
To the one who was never never equal to the task  
Who knows he’s been convicted, who knows he will be shot 
Year by year  
Month by month  
Day by day  
Thought by thought 

So Long, Marianne  (Oslo 1993)

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

'Fucking Obvious' is the middle name of Russian corruption

Any Style

Studio Chronicles: Jamaica

Harry J's

King Jammy's




Tuff Gong Studios: 1Xtra celebrates Jamaica 50

Thor Harris: How to live like a king for very little

1. Don’t smoke cigarettes.
2. Drive old Japanese cars. Easy and cheap to fix & they run for fucking ever.
3. Buy most of your groceries from the produce section. Most of that other shit is not actually food. You don’t need it.
4. Ride your bike instead of driving as much as you can. You need the exercise and gas is expensive.
5. Don’t have kids. They’re not miracles, they’re people. 7 billion is too fucking many. Find some other way to give your dull existence some meaning. BTW they’re expensive.
6. Get your clothes from thrift stores. With the physique you’ll have from riding your bike, you’ll look hot wearing anything.
7. Learn to fix things. Tons of great books and youtube vids on fixing anything. Or ask an old dude. People used to fix things. No shit.
8. Learn a trade – Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, auto mechanics, tailoring, computer/electronics repair, something They can’t fucking outsource. No one gives a shit about your Masters in Dostoyevsky…. fix something, dumbass, fix something!
9. If you like booze, drink at home with your neighbors. Drunk driving is for assholes, rich ones with lawyers.
10. Do people favors. It’s called Cooperation. It’s how the world worked before money. They will return the favor, or someone will. No shit. This really works.
11. Make things – Look around you. What do you see? Yah, shitty stuff made by impoverished enslaved people far away. Pick anything. Make a better one. People want good shit. You won’t get rich, but you’ll get by.
12. If you live in America – don’t get sick and avoid injury. Wear your fucking helmet and put lights on your bike.
13. Find work you love. If you can’t do that, then find a job where you love the people.
14. Junkies and addicts are like toddlers. They just want to shit all over you and everything. The messes they make can get expensive. Avoid them if you can.
15. Don’t buy shit on credit, remember what happened to America? Cash only, fuckers. Can’t afford it? Don’t fucking buy it!
16. Preventable expenses - STD’s, abortions, DWI’s, lung cancer, head injuries, speeding tickets, cirrhosis of the liver.
17. Don’t go on fancy dates if you’re not fancy. Most people kind of despise the rich anyway.
18. When you go see shows, bring a flask in. That way you can afford to buy a record.
19. If you had told me 15 years ago that Coca Cola would put tap water in plastic bottles and motherfuckers would BUY IT …… No fuckin way.
20. Don’t get cable. Asshole. There is nothing on. I promise. $100 a month ? Fuck no!

Thor Harris (Swans, Shearwater) Makes His Ominous Debut with 'Lullaby for Klaus'

Why Europe Can’t Find The Jihadis In Its Midst

Sultans of Gedankenbrain - Intoxicated Man

Kristof Hahn - Guitar, Vocals
Stefan Rocke - Basoon
Mike Strauss - Keyboard
Thomas Wydler - Drums