Thursday, 26 November 2015

Dub techno master Deepchord on sound as therapy and Detroit’s uncertain future
The Myth of the Caliphate

15 Years of Terror (A time-lapse map)

A time-lapse of all terrorist attacks with MORE than 20 fatalities between 1.12.2000 and 13.11.2015 by
START terrorism database "GTD" (2000-2014)
Various News Agencies (2015)
Important Note: due to the large amount of data used, there are likely to be mistakes (exact chronology, location, casualties etc.). This video should serve as an approximation. (Especially in the messy parts.)
Typical error would be: GTD had sometimes the "at least" casualties in the database. Istanbul Bombings of 2003 are not present on the map because of this. I also used different definitions of terrorism regarding the area and time of attacks.
About the copy at the end:
Historians debate about weather terrorist groups are destined to fail or not. Some say that authentic terrorist organizations achieve partial goals only. Many regard John Brown (approx. 150 years ago) as the most successful terrorist till this day – But you might read the essays: "How Successful Is Terrorism?" (James M. Lutz and Brenda J. Lutz) and "Why Terrorism Does Not Work" (M. Abrahms) and you will find out what this message is exactly about: Deterring potential future terrorism by education

Eagles of Death Metal Discuss Paris Terror Attacks

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


Hamell on Trial

Slavoj Žižek, Yanis Varoufakis and Julian Assange: Europe is Kaput. Long live Europe!

Well played sis, well played

Just as well ISIL aren't Catholic...

How religion spread across the world


Monday, 23 November 2015