Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Who Were the Paris Attackers Working For?

No comment. Just noting


Seems world leaders didn't 'lead' Charlie Hebdo marchers in Paris but conducted photo op in an empty guarded street

JG Thirlwell's Best Of 2014

Eureka, You Cunt: I Had Arrived

Words of Wisdom

“I guess if you insult 1.5 billion people chances are one or two of them will kill you,” wrote Mohamed Vall Salem, who reported for Al Jazeera’s Arab-language channel before joining its English wing in 2006. “And I guess if you encourage people to go on insulting 1.5 billion people about their most sacred icons then you just want more killings because as I said in 1.5 billion there will remain some fools who don’t abide by the laws or know about free speech"
I Am Not Charlie 

Monday, 12 January 2015

Hollande asked Netanyahu not to attend anti-terror march

Adrian Sherwood & Pinch - Stand Strong


My god is better than your god

Anita Ekberg R.I.P.

We Are All Very Anxious

An 'expert' apologises

Steven Emerson on Birmingham row: 'I deserve what I got'

At least Steve Emerson who runs the Investigative Project on Terrorism didn't try and deflect the blame onto others. He might have to think about a new career though. Maybe not as here's another time he got it spectacularly wrong and then there is this

Jacky Bastek - No Exit

Coming Soon: Serial Series 2



Why #foxnewsfacts started