Friday, 9 January 2015

Punking Out (1977)

Punking Out was filmed in 1977 in & around CBGB and features footage of Richard Hell & The Voidoids, The Ramones & The Dead Boys performing, as well as interviews with club employees and fans, including a VERY young couple of kids by the names of Lydia Lunch and James Chance. Visit the film's official website. A DVD of the movie is available for only $14.95. That's a steal! Plus, you're buying it directly from the filmmaker himself

Watch the entire film HERE
(Thanx Martin!)


On Blasphemy

The Blasphemy We Need

Two - but only two - cheers for blasphemy

Aéroport d'Orly


Bill Hicks on 'Freedom of Speech'

...'Freedom of speech' means you support the right of people to say exactly those ideas which you do not agree with. (Otherwise, you don't believe in 'freedom of speech', but rather only those ideas which you believe to be acceptably stated.).Seeing as how there are so many different beliefs in the world, and as it would be virtually impossible for all of us to agree on any one belief, you may begin to realize just how important an idea like 'freedom of speech' really is. The idea basically states 'while I don't agree or care for what you are saying, I do support your right to say it, for herein lies true freedom'.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Cathy Wilcox


Martin Rowson


Charlie Hebdo: We must not stop laughing at these murderous clowns

Chérif Kouachi (France 3 2005)

Dylan Nyoukis - The Acrylic Widow (Side A)


Springer (Berlin)

Freedom of expression is non-negotiable

Tariq Ramadan: Attack on Paris Magazine 'a Pure Betrayal of Our Religion'

King Crimson - Cat Food (Top Of The Pops 1970)

Inserted into the German show Hits A Go Go hosted by Joe Berger 

Paul Kelly with Vika & Linda Bull - What You Want/Thank You

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