Thursday, 8 January 2015

Free speech (Australia)

Queensland man arrested after waving next to LNP campaigners in 'I’m with stupid' T-shirt

'Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of a free society…if you don’t like something, you don’t read it' - Tony Abbott (8/1/15)

Xylouris White - Redfern

Looking forward to catching them BUT...ticket plus booking fee PLUS processing fee??? 14.8% in extra charges above ticket price NOT GST ffs!

Steve Bell

Racist cartoons are now a beacon of free speech and we are in a strange terrible place. No one should die for such things



The Charlie Hebdo killers must not silence us. We should ridicule them


"Fanaticism is a monster that pretends to be the child of religion" -Voltaire

Freedom of Speech

Interesting that a number of people on my Facebook timeline who are posting representations of the Prophet Muhammad in relation to the Paris tragedy are the same people saying we shouldn't allow the anti vax campaigner Tenpenny into Australia or cheered the deportation of the pick up 'artist' Julien Blanc.
Freedom of speech can be a bitch eh?

Charlie Hebdo offends - and we must defend its right to do so

Lucille Clerc

God says: