Thursday, 8 January 2015

"Fanaticism is a monster that pretends to be the child of religion" -Voltaire

Freedom of Speech

Interesting that a number of people on my Facebook timeline who are posting representations of the Prophet Muhammad in relation to the Paris tragedy are the same people saying we shouldn't allow the anti vax campaigner Tenpenny into Australia or cheered the deportation of the pick up 'artist' Julien Blanc.
Freedom of speech can be a bitch eh?

Charlie Hebdo offends - and we must defend its right to do so

Lucille Clerc

God says:


Daddy is not gone


Charlie Hebdo: the truths that ought to be self-evident but still aren’t

Francisco J. Olea: Grab your weapons mates!


Let’s not sacralize Charlie Hebdo

Vive la liberté
