Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The official, Pythonesque response to Melbourne Cup deaths

Inside Kobane: Eyewitness account in besieged Kurdish city

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison

Election 2014: Obama's Failure to Communicate

Noel Pearson remembers Gough Whitlam

One of the great speeches of our times

Paul Kelly & Kev Carmody - From Little Things, Big Things Grow (Gough Whitlam Memorial Service Sydney 5/11/14)

Maintain The Rage

Die Antwoord - Ugly Boy

اجمل واروع غناء "بصوت مقاتلة من مقاتلات وحدات حماية المرأة"


Michael Gira


The revolution is over

Ad Break

Carlsberg in Ireland
Black 47

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

GOP Candidate Wants to Force Atheists to Undergo Exorcisms


Vampire Porn

London 'Ghost Station' Underground Map

(Click to enlarge)
'Ghost stations' is the usual English translation for the German word Geisterbahnhöfe. This term was used to describe certain stations on Berlin’s U-Bahn and S-Bahn metro networks that were closed during the period of Berlin’s division during the Cold War. Since then, the term has come to be used to describe any disused station on an underground railway line, especially those actively passed through by passenger trains.

Frankie Boyle: Ukip is fair game for comedians – and why shouldn’t it be?