Extracts from This is a Game Called ‘Hello, Hello, Here is X.X.’, a limited edition sound work by Mark Jackson edited from original recordings of an interview between William S. Burroughs and Roger Clarke.
This is a game called ‘Hello, hello, here is X.X.’ is composed of edits from an interview Clarke conducted in 1995 with William S. Burroughs at his home in Lawrence, Kansas. Rather than a document of an interview (the original tapes comprise of seven hours of material), the record seeks to augment the space in which the recordings were made, dwelling upon moments such as a search around the house for a rainstick, a pause in the interview whilst food is prepared, a visit to his home-made orgone accumulator and trips to feed the fish amidst a cacophony of annual cicadas in the Kansas summer.
This is a game called ‘Hello, hello, here is X.X.’ was produced and commissioned by Gordon Shrigley for Laura Palookaville and engineered by Frank Merritt of the Carvery, London, with sleeve design by Foxtrot Hotel, London