Saturday, 22 June 2013

Moroccan Tape Stash

Rare photo of a famous Springsteen moment in London in 1975 surfaces

As Chalkie just posted on Facebook: 
These negatives were so underexposed that I was unable to make a decent print from them back in 1975, but modern scanning technology brought out all the detail, I was going to wait the full 40 years but decided as he's in London right now this was as good a time as any...
Best Headline EVER!!!

Sesame Street: James Gandolfini Talks About Feeling Scared

GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world's communications

Who's Who?


UKIP's Scottish leader in 'Alex Salmond expelled from Labour' gaffe

Oh the man is such an idiot!!!

Lou Reed on Surveillance

'MP3s reduce music to the lowest common denominator'


Ad Break: Another Fugn Revolution!!!

(Thanx Ron!)

Wrappers Delight


♪♫ Daftside (Nicolas Jaar and Dave Harrington) - Random Access Memories Memories

random access memories memories by daftside

This is what happens when you don't vaccinate your kids

British poster calling for the Labour movment to support the Spanish Republic

(Thanx Nick!)