Wednesday, 12 June 2013

PRISM: time for the Left to wake up

James Clapper, NSA and the “L” word

Australia row over PM Gillard 'small breasts' menu

Hey Tony! How's the new non misogynistic liberal party going?
Extreme Ironing!!!

Five ways to stop the NSA from spying on you

Hackers vs. suits: Why nerds become leakers

Banjo Kitty


George Orwell back in fashion as Prism stokes paranoia about Big Brother

Sales of George Orwell's 1984 Are Up 5,000 Percent on Amazon

Here's the ACLU's Lawsuit on NSA Surveillance

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Lack of Intelligence

The Massive Online Surveillance Program No One Is Talking About

Tim Berners-Lee: NSA Surveillance an 'Intrusion on Basic Human Rights'

Julian Assange & John Perry Barlow on PRISM & Snowden

Assange's political ambition



(Thanx Jeff!)