Friday, 6 July 2012

Matt Taibbi Explains The LIBOR Bankster Scam


♪♫ Origamibiro - Quad Time

I love this!!!

Owen Jones: When 'coming out' ends, equality will be total

Oh my ass burns like fire!

Getting Lost

Infographic essay on the meaning of life.
Sound: SARC:O

♪♫ Nick Lowe - Cruel To Be Kind

'The highest result of education is tolerance' - Helen Keller

William S. Burroughs

Photo: Herb Ritts

We should all be worried about gateway drugs. A few heavy nights out, you think you can control it. Next thing you know you're a Tory MP.


(Click to enlarge)
(Thanx Robin!)

Giant Lego Garden Grows Overnight In The Australian Outback

Balancing Blocks


Really! Just fuck off. You are a disgrace to modern Australia. A pox on my children's future. An absolute khunt. Now fuck off & die.

Here we go again...

WikiLeaks Removes Associated Press From List of Media 'Collaborators' On Syria Docs

'Collaborators' Too Generous a Word for WikiLeaks and The Associated Press

Ad Break (Kate Bush for Seiko)