Diatom frustule Anne Weston, LRI, CRUK Scale: ********* It
looks a radioactive hazard warning. In fact, this delicate assembly of
triangles is a scanning electron micrograph of a diatom. Diatoms are
single-cell organisms that are one of the most common types of
phytoplanktons and play a major role in sustaining life on Earth.
Although usually too small to be seen with the naked, phytoplankton form
green blooms on the sea and convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into
oxygen. They also provide food for a large number of aquatic species.
Diatoms are encased within a hard cell wall made from silica, which is
known as a frustule and is composed of two halves. Frustules have a
variety of patterns, pores, spines and ridges, which are used to
determine genera and species. The health of communities of phytoplankton
is measured carefully by scientists because they provide useful
indications of environmental conditions such as water quality MORE